Great Christ-Centered coaches must learn how to interact in difficult situations with all kinds of personalities. Control-freaks, narcissists, slackers, cynics, divas, drama queens… are all people with lives worthy of living, loving, and learning how to live better. In Matthew 10:16, Jesus tells his disciples to be as shrewd as the serpent, but gentle as the dove. This course teaches you how to handle dreaded situations with a straight-forward process that is as Jesus taught – gentle yet wise. Using a practical textbook authored by a professional in the technology industry, where personality issues routinely cause havoc in multi-million-dollar projects, this course reveals a core truth about people: most do not want to cause problems, but rather prefer to do better and want to experience greater results. Christ-Centered coaches help people realize their potential for change. This course helps people identify where change might be needed when dealing with others and how to navigate that change.

Required Textbook:   Leading the Unleadable How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People By: Alan Willett Narrated by: Tom Parks (2016) ISBN-13 978-0814437605, 240 pages, Publisher: Amacom

Learning Objectives

Through reading and applying the principles shared in the course materials, you will:

  • Discover ways to master the mindset needed to successfully handle difficult situations.
  • Articulate problems calmly and succinctly rather than raise additional tensions.
  • Help influence commitment to change and follow-up for success.
  • Learn how to coach others in difficult situations and create self-awareness of their potential.

Course Syllabus

A class syllabus is provided for each student upon successful enrollment and acceptance. Also see How to Complete this Program section for detailed instructions.